Friday, October 06, 2006
More spooky stories
It was my senior year in high school, around 1991, probably the early fall because it was still relatively warm out. At the time my parents were separated, and my father lived at home with my sister and I. He was out of town for some reason that night, and we decided to get some friends together and drop some acid. (mom if your reading this, don't worry I haven't done it sense at least 95, at an amusement park in RI at the best rave of my life. Another story entirely...)
So someone scored some acid, and a bunch of us, probably around 10, kicked back and let the good times roll, so to speak. At some point we ended up on the roof of our family room, it was accessible by my sisters bedroom window and only one story. Were we lived in New Hampshire there were no big cities or even towns nearby that would add any light interference in the sky, so star gazing at night was amazing. Fucking amazing on acid. We laid up there looking at the stars for what seemed like forever, and had a few cliche conversations about the meaning of life, how small we are in the universe, and even a crazy argument about how our world might even be inside many, many other bigger worlds. But it was beautiful. And dark. We lived on a dead end street and next to a swampy conservation land, the only other light around was from our neighbor's front porch, which was a ways away, and if that was shut off we would only have the moon and stars to light our way. It made you feel, looking up at the stars laying on that roof, that you were floating.
At one point everyone had been quiet for awhile, and a few people had gone inside to use the bathroom. They had been gone awhile, no doubt entranced by the cat or maybe the wallpaper in emily's room, and who knows if we'd even see them again that night. Everybody had stopped talking on the roof , so you could hear everything from the crickets to the beavers slapping their tails on the water nearby. It was in this quiet that I heard this humongus crash that brought me up to an immediate sitting position. "What the fuck was that?!" I yelled.
Someone asked me what the fuck I was talking about. "That big crash sound!"
Everybody just looked at me with that 'WTF are you talking about' look.
Then it happened
For real.
A huge crash came from Emily's room. And everybody looked at me again.
"Did you hear that?" I asked, somewhat hesitantly.
I'll never forget what happened next. This kid named Rich Clivieo (I spelled his last name phonetically, cuz I have no idea how it's spelled), who was the local cheapskate pot dealer, looked at me with the most freaked out expression and said, "your a witch!" and scrambled away from me as far as he could on the roof.
Just then someone poked their head out of Emily's room and apologized for nocking a shelf off the wall that held every bit of ceramic art she had created in High School. Most had survived, but some did not.
For the rest of our trip, everybody gave me these odd looks, as if they weren't sure of what I would do next.
Anytime I saw Rich after that, he always referred to me as the "witch".
Thursday, October 05, 2006
It's Halloween time!
Way back in 2000, I lived in an extremely small apartment in the Jamaica Plain area of Boston with my then boyfriend, and future husband, Chris. We lived across from Forrest Hill Station, which was the last stop on the Orange line. At the end of our street, there was the most beautiful graveyard that I have ever seen, Forrest Hills cemetery. It was filled with wonderful works of art and the most wondrous mausoleums I have ever laid eyes on. Sometimes they even have Art installations there, with all sorts of crazy sculptures and odd formations of objects. One time they had all these billowly dresses hanging from trees, god that was creepy thing to do in a graveyard, even looking at it in the day light.
At it's center there was a small man made pond that swans floated around serenely in, while huge packs of geese milled around it's edges, just waiting for some poor fool to pull anything edible from his pockets. You don't ever want to experience a riot of geese attacking you for your misguided attempt at charity, by feeding some birds with some old, leftover, stale bread. If your smart you'll throw the bread one way and run the other. But that is another story...
Anyways, one night in spring of 2000, I was woken up by Chris from dream. It was a really fucked up dream, consisting of a friend of mine named Renee. Now I had lost touch with Renee in the mid 1990's while I was still in Art School, I'd see her every once in a while, modeling at my school for cash, or around Allston. She started hanging with a more coke and heroin kind of crowd, and I was never into that so we lost touch. We were never super close but had some pretty fun times in High School, getting stoned and drinking. Chris actually dated her for a while.
She eventually overdosed, on a speedball it was rumored, and lapsed into a coma. I think I found out a good couple a months after this had happened, from a friend of a friend. We all in the back of our minds new something like this would happen eventually, she was a risk taker and was extremely unhappy girl. She had a hard life growing up, and she was one of those people who tried to dull the pain with drugs. I never visited her at the nursing home, but some of my friends did , they found it hard to see her like that.
The story gets worse. At some point the hospital orderly starts to rape her secretly, and repeatedly, for months. Eventually she gets pregnant and by the time the doctors find out, she gives birth 4 days later to a brain damaged baby girl. Eventually they catch the orderly with DNA and he's sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Now back to my dream. Renee appears in it, and is fully conscious, telling me "I'm awake, I'm going to be OK" over and over. I feel unbelievably happy and she is smiling at me, dressed in the old hippie clothes she used to wear when we were teenagers. Chris wakes me up, saying I was crying in my sleep. I tell him that I just had this great dream that Renee has woken up from her coma, "wouldn't it be great if this was some sort of premonition, and she wakes up?" I tell him. But Chris seems wierded out, "you were crying pretty loud", and this is from the guy who didn't even wake up when the homeless guy under our porch decided to yell anti-Semitic remarks at his cans at 2am.
The next day Chris' best friend John visits us, and because he knows her and I cant get it out of my head, I tell him about the dream. We all kind of laugh about it and move on to other topics. Sometime later that week, I get a phonecall. Its my friend Ade, "Sara, I've got some bad news for you. I just found out Renee has died."
immediately I ask her when. That's when she tells me that she died that night I had that dream.
I tell her about it, and get that funny response from people that don't believe in that shit, or don't want to believe.
I tell Chris what just happened, and he and I have a WTF moment together. Now I know why it was a happy dream and why I was crying.
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Nerds fixin' things

Check out my sweetie with his hands all over my pipes! Not those pipes, you perve! The bathroom pipes. Look at how hott he looks in those safety glasses. He was asking me to hold the pipe but I had better ideas, I held the camera instead. Look at how gross our old floor is! Ewe! I 'm soo glad we covered that up with tile.
Off with their heads!
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
A word about lego guy...

Notice the devo hat? Devyn added that. And the double decker lights too. Sometimes the lights are on his feet, or a jet pack is added. He LOVES Lego Guy.Occasionally he sleeps with him, and I have to root around the bed looking for him in the morning. Hopfully he'll never lose him. Or that devo hat, I love that hat.
New pictures of the shorties!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Friggin' Cute!

If your in need for some sappy, sugary, cute animals, this website is for you. Just check out the cute ass kitten with small ears! Cute Overload indeed!
Rowan is cutting his first tooth, and is letting everybody, and I mean everybody, know about it. The poor kid cried practically all day yesterday, except when we gave him a bath. God he loves water, just like his brother. I'm sure when we pick him up this afternoon from daycare, they'll be like "quick get him out of here, we can't take it anymore". Let me just tell you now, they don't pay those poor souls at daycare enough. I don't care how much you like small children or babies, eventually all that whining, yelling , crying and wiggles/barney will drive you insane. The CIA should recruit them for special opps, those women have nerves of steel. God fucking bless them.
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Go ahead and add comments!
No really.
Look what lost character I resemble most!

You are Jack. You are compassionate, heroic, and a bit of a martyr. You are brave and a natural leader. However, you shouldn't keep so much bottled up inside. You are so busy taking care of others that you have no time or energy to take care of yourself. Take a load off once in a while and play some golf with Hurley. You need to relax pretty soon or else you'll be no good for anyone anymore - including yourself!
Your polar opposite is: Shannon. You are similar to: Boone and Sayid.
My test tracked 4 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
You scored higher than 43% on kindness
You scored higher than 86% on courage
You scored higher than 52% on seedy past
You scored higher than 78% on secretiveness
If you liked my test, send it to your friends!
Link: The Which Lost Character Are You Test written by ack_attack on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test |
I'm a slacker
Another thing occurred since I last wrote, my father is apparently very ill. We don't really know what it is exactly, but its some form of cancer. I know I sound cliche, but this is supposed to happen to other people, not my dad. His whole side of the family has been cancer free until this moment, so it really blindsided us. You expect your parents to be around forever, or at least until you, yourself, are old. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it, and not cry at work. Boy does that freak people out when you start crying for no apparent reason. They physically take a step back from you, like you have some sort of catchy 'crazy disease'. I did this to my boss and he left me alone for the rest of day, like I would crack if he came in contact with him again.
I promise I'll post again soon.
Monday, March 27, 2006

I've always been a fan of legos. So is my son, Devyn. Like all boys, loves building towers and then smashing them. Last christmas, Chris spent like 5 million hours assembling this little lego spaceship that I got for Devyn. Chris, never a good direction follower, nearly had a meltdown while building it. Needless to say, Devyn destroyed it in only a few minutes.
Which is why this is so amazing. I can't imagine the time it took to do this. Oh god is it funny too! Look they even include the violent parts in all the gory details.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Can you tell they are brothers?
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Lookin around the web...

Did I ever mention that I love the teevee show lost? Not since the x-files or Twin peaks has a network show been so captivating. Everytime I get a theory going on what the hell is going on, it gets blown away by the next episode. I think they're in some sort of psychological experiment that just happens to be on an island with paranormal activities. I'll probably change my mind, but that's what I think now.
Boys are good. Rowan's eczima is looking better. Devyn bit Chris in the ass and Chris let out this cry that sounded a bit girly. Chris understandably got mad, and Devyn cried. He wont do that again!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Playin' at da pahk wit da shorties
Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Some Devynisms:
"I am all fuzzy" = What happens to your skin if you soak in a bath.
Oc-O-Paas = Octopus
CheeBee = TV
"the baby hit me! He is a bad baby! That is not nice." = The baby touched me
computerputer = computer
Taaaco? (said with the inflection of a question) = taco
Will you be my best friend? = Will you play with me?
You are not my best friend = You didn't give me what I wanted
Dinosaur eggs = M&Ms
Baby Panclakes = small pancakes
Famous Quote: "the baby is crying, put milk in it."
Favorite color: blue
Favorite Stuffed Animal: Liey (stuffed lion)
Favorite cartoon: Wonder Pets or Transformers
Favorite Superhero: Batman

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Argh Matey, Tis be my name...
My pirate name is:
Red Mary Rackham
Passion is a big part of your life, which makes sense for a pirate. You have the good fortune of having a good name, since Rackham (pronounced RACKem, not rack-ham) is one of the coolest sounding surnames for a pirate. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
Saturday, March 11, 2006
I took the Nerd/Geek/Dork test!
56 % Nerd, 73% Geek, 26% Dork
For The Record:
A Nerd is someone who is passionate about learning/being smart/academia.
A Geek is someone who is passionate about some particular area or subject, often an obscure or difficult one.
A Dork is someone who has difficulty with common social expectations/interactions.
You scored better than half in Nerd and Geek, earning you the title of:
Modern, Cool Nerd
Nerds didn't use to be cool, but in the 90's that all changed. It used to be that, if you were a computer expert, you had to wear plaid or a pocket protector or suspenders or something that announced to the world that you couldn't quite fit in. Not anymore. Now, the intelligent and geeky have eked out for themselves a modicum of respect at the very least, and "geek is chic." The Modern, Cool Nerd is intelligent, knowledgable and always the person to call in a crisis (needing computer advice/an arcane bit of trivia knowledge). They are the one you want as your lifeline in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire (or the one up there, winning the million bucks)!
Thanks Again! -- THE NERD? GEEK? OR DORK? TEST
Poo flingers are not always monkeys
He reached into his pants, grabbed hold of some poo, and threw it at his classmates.
Needless to say, people were mad. So as Chris was telling me this, I tried to look as angry as possible, but I was laughing on the inside. Devyn received as punishment no TV for a whole day, which is the worst thing ever for a 4 year old. He cried for a while, but as Chris says, "he'll remember the consequences if he flings poo again". Parents must maintain a united front!
Saturday, March 04, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Saturday, February 25, 2006
crying over spilt vomit
Irony #273 Mike works in the dairy department of a grocery store, surrounded all day by white,creamy substances. Yum!
Unrelated note: What year do we live in? We seem to be going backwards in social freedoms. I freekin hate George Bush and his forcing of his religous beliefs on us.
This is scary
Next people will be telling me that the government is secretly spying on americans. WTF!
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Rolling over sponges
I few things to share this morning. Devyn is now officially obsessed with spongebob, for reasons unknown to us. He keeps asking to watch it over and over. There are 2 episodes on ONDEMAND and we now have seen both a gazillion times. Also it seems I have, by osmosis (how do you spell that anyway?), absorbed the names of the characters. Useless info. Did you know there is a squirrel on that show that lives under water in a glass dome? Bet you didn't know that, and your jealous that I do!
He hasn't been this obsessed since Tom & Jerry, which just disturbed us because he would laugh hysterically everytime one of them would get injured. Deep belly laughs. Frightening.
On the baby front, Rowan is rolling over and drooling like a madman. Like a madman with a diary! He can hold things for brief periods, and loves (and I mean foot kicken love) sweet potatoes. Delicious sweet potatoes. mmmmm......His eyes get wide as saucers and his legs and arms start waving franticly as the spoon gets closer...
Yes Chris is still a nerd, as evidenced by him falling asleep with a D&D book (I think it was the players handbook, and I mean player in the nerd sense not pimpin sense) in his lap on the couch, sitting up. I love my nerd.