This is Lego Guy:
Let me just say, Devyn loves this 'lego guy', which also happens to be his name. Naming him lego guy also happens to be rare in the naming department, because Devyn will usually just add a 'y' to the end of what it is. Example: Lion stuffed animal became liony. Sheep stuffed animal became sheepy. See the pattern? (which has been broken once before by 'Azule' the lizard... who saw that coming?) So Lego Guy, being Lego Guy is definitely a rare occurrence, and so much better then 'Leggy'.
Notice the devo hat? Devyn added that. And the double decker lights too. Sometimes the lights are on his feet, or a jet pack is added. He LOVES Lego Guy.Occasionally he sleeps with him, and I have to root around the bed looking for him in the morning. Hopfully he'll never lose him. Or that devo hat, I love that hat.

Notice the devo hat? Devyn added that. And the double decker lights too. Sometimes the lights are on his feet, or a jet pack is added. He LOVES Lego Guy.Occasionally he sleeps with him, and I have to root around the bed looking for him in the morning. Hopfully he'll never lose him. Or that devo hat, I love that hat.