Saturday, March 11, 2006

Poo flingers are not always monkeys

When I was expecting my first child, a friend once told me that the hardest thing about being a parent was trying not to laugh when your not supposed to. One of the best parental piece of advice I have ever heard. I put that advice in action the other day when my older boy Devyn got into trouble at school. Devyn's teacher, Ms. Nicole, told Chris that Devyn had gone the bathroom and not wiped properly after a bowel movement. Instead of asking for help, he just pulled up his pants and went about his day. When the inevitable discomfort and itching started, he did what every normal person would do.
He reached into his pants, grabbed hold of some poo, and threw it at his classmates.
Needless to say, people were mad. So as Chris was telling me this, I tried to look as angry as possible, but I was laughing on the inside. Devyn received as punishment no TV for a whole day, which is the worst thing ever for a 4 year old. He cried for a while, but as Chris says, "he'll remember the consequences if he flings poo again". Parents must maintain a united front!

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